Batbrick.: Introducing the worst villians in the world #1
Batbrick.: Red Hood
Batbrick.: Nathan Drake
Batbrick.: Old Ben
Batbrick.: Catwoman
Batbrick.: Batgirl
Batbrick.: Dark Knight Returns
Batbrick.: The Dark Knight
Batbrick.: The Legend
Batbrick.: Jake Peralta
Batbrick.: The Worst DC Vilians #2
Batbrick.: City of Stars
Batbrick.: City of Stars alt shot
Batbrick.: Updated Black Mask
Batbrick.: The Riddler
Batbrick.: The Joker
Batbrick.: Harley Quinn
Batbrick.: New Gordon
Batbrick.: 'I'm CIA"
Batbrick.: The Red Hood
Batbrick.: Lego Batman
Batbrick.: Worst DC Villains #3
Batbrick.: Lego Overwatch Figs #1
Batbrick.: The Piano
Batbrick.: Robin
Batbrick.: Alfred
Batbrick.: Red Hood
Batbrick.: "You see the hat?"
Batbrick.: New Harvey Bullock
Batbrick.: "With every death comes honor, with honor, redemption."