kevin.blythe: 1st lunch stop (shop)
kevin.blythe: arcade2
kevin.blythe: arcade owner (day 2)
kevin.blythe: Aviso Importante
kevin.blythe: baltic wave
kevin.blythe: bar stools
kevin.blythe: bike boys
kevin.blythe: bike shadows
kevin.blythe: birch trees and calf
kevin.blythe: Bocatorenos
kevin.blythe: border crossing bridge
kevin.blythe: bus boy
kevin.blythe: bus passengers
kevin.blythe: Centro El Toro
kevin.blythe: chairs and cooker
kevin.blythe: ciclistas en la via
kevin.blythe: costa rican kids
kevin.blythe: 3 cooks
kevin.blythe: drinks stop day3
kevin.blythe: hotel view granada (wc)
kevin.blythe: shades (wc)
kevin.blythe: mike & the giant flowers (wc)
kevin.blythe: lone pinball machine (wc)
kevin.blythe: Espana trio (wc)
kevin.blythe: Emergency Exit
kevin.blythe: Enjoy It! (wc)
kevin.blythe: bell tower view1
kevin.blythe: EZA CRUDA (wc)
kevin.blythe: last day shadows