yolilin: come to me!!
yolilin: little dinosaur
yolilin: i got you!!
yolilin: wow! he is walking!!
yolilin: a song for my little dinosaur friend
yolilin: mia's new hair style
yolilin: mia's new hair style
yolilin: look at mommy's silly face!
yolilin: a smile for mommy~
yolilin: mastering the cutting work...
yolilin: i'm having fun!!
yolilin: singing louder than the teacher
yolilin: look! i've got so many eggs!!
yolilin: i am doing pretty good with these...
yolilin: are you looking at me?
yolilin: with teacher sean
yolilin: it's time to go shopping!
yolilin: my little cute monkey can jump! hahaha!!
yolilin: "rock a baby, oh, rock a baby..."
yolilin: "girrafe is TALL"
yolilin: bend down myself and what do i see?!
yolilin: look at what i've found!!!
yolilin: try on mom's shoes...
yolilin: "do you want a post-it? i found it in the drawer"
yolilin: "do you want me to smile, mom?"
yolilin: mia at music class
yolilin: Can you believe it rains in May in CA?! but it’s okay, I got my… umbrella!!
yolilin: what was that you just said?
yolilin: "can you hold on one second? i need to pose for my mommy"
yolilin: "the reason i am whispering is i am telling you a secret..."