Yuval Vaknin: IMG_6977-S
Niel One: DSC_0288
bredmañ: Ruddy Darter Female
Perno @ndre: Agrion jouvencelle
RGL Photography: Great Blue Skimmer - Dragonfly - 8
alain.maire: Aeschne constrictor / Lance-tipped Darner
danielusescanon: Blue Dasher dragonfly (Pachydiplax longipennis) male
Rezamink: Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum) Male
Pipa Terrer: Trithemis kirbyi
Laura LF: Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis
sbuckinghamnj: Black-shouldered Spinyleg female with Tawny Emperor breakfast
Perno @ndre: Aeshna mixta
Perno @ndre: Ectophasia crassipennis
alain.maire: Libellule gracieuse / Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Perno @ndre: Ectophasia crassipennis
Rezamink: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum) Male
igerarddejong: Gevlekte witsnuitlibel (Leucorrhinia pectoralis)
igerarddejong: Blauwe breedscheenjuffer (Platycnemis pennipes)
igerarddejong: Hoogveenglanslibel (Somatochlora arctica)
NewForestDragonflies: Emperor Dragonfly
Peter Warne-Epping Forest: Ruddy-darter_1741
jimprice25: crow arch
jimprice25: llangollen canal
jimprice25: river dee
jimprice25: the arch
jimprice25: goldfinch 3
jimprice25: wren 2
jimprice25: bluebell woods