botswana162: view from hotel
botswana162: view from hotel 3
botswana162: view from hotel 2
botswana162: view from hotel 1
botswana162: albert memorial front
botswana162: albert memorial 4
botswana162: albert memorial 5
botswana162: albert memorial 3
botswana162: albert memorial 2
botswana162: albert memorial
botswana162: us at albert memorial
botswana162: katie and royal albert hall
botswana162: inside of natural history museum
botswana162: natural history 3
botswana162: natural history museum
botswana162: natural history 2
botswana162: BM ext 2
botswana162: british museum exterior
botswana162: british museum interior
botswana162: housing across from BM
botswana162: science museum 5
botswana162: science museum 4
botswana162: science museum
botswana162: science museum 3
botswana162: narwhal skull
botswana162: science museum 1
botswana162: theatre for priscilla
botswana162: piccadilly without us
botswana162: us at piccadilly
botswana162: st pat parade 5