Scumbled: Gideon as still life
Scumbled: Adirondacks for two
Scumbled: Chloe
Scumbled: Call of the wild
Scumbled: Between 5 and PCH there is a whole lot of nothing
Scumbled: Yodeling elephant seals (they don't really yodel)
Scumbled: Gloaming time at Big Sur
Scumbled: Big Sur sunset
Scumbled: The Big Sur coast
Scumbled: Dying light and drowning stones
Scumbled: Kapone and Luciano (on watch for lions)
Scumbled: Uncle Mort and Clare (humbug!)
Scumbled: Waking to redwoods outside the window
Scumbled: Clare on Anderson Street
Scumbled: Like homing pigeons, lawyers find it hard to stay away from their old law review offices....
Scumbled: Berkeley campanille at dusk
Scumbled: BART station, downtown Berkeley
Scumbled: Dorks
Scumbled: Patrick and Meriko, contigo
Scumbled: Like Jesus's face in toast
Scumbled: California Academy of Sciences, botanical house
Scumbled: Contrary to what I was told, this is not actually the Taj Mahal
Scumbled: "This may sound strange, but I think I just dropped my triple antibiotic ointment in your purse."
Scumbled: Artificial rain forest (lamps aplenty)
Scumbled: Wee bright frogs
Scumbled: Next floor, Borneo!
Scumbled: Sinuous, slate, and submerged -- eel in the California Academy aquarium
Scumbled: Factoid: "Albino Alligator" starred Gary Sinise and Viggo Mortenson
Scumbled: Claude the albino alligator
Scumbled: Meriko and Clare