~Fauve~: WalMart parking lot, Stanly Co. NC
~Fauve~: Queen Anne's Lace
~Fauve~: NaturalStoneWall
~Fauve~: Beginning of the Trail
~Fauve~: wide open space
~Fauve~: Portal
~Fauve~: Dragonfly: A Study in Green
~Fauve~: Abandoned Fence
~Fauve~: rusty bikes2
~Fauve~: sunflower butterfly
~Fauve~: barn
~Fauve~: rogue sunflower
~Fauve~: shankle rd barn
~Fauve~: clothespins 2
~Fauve~: truck
~Fauve~: what is it?
~Fauve~: white rocking chair
~Fauve~: shot out the window on the way to work
~Fauve~: why is that there?
~Fauve~: wildflowers in gravel
~Fauve~: painted wings
~Fauve~: rusty barb
~Fauve~: bike on board
~Fauve~: clothespins
~Fauve~: Wildflower
~Fauve~: Forked
~Fauve~: vinca
~Fauve~: bradford pear
~Fauve~: morning view from steel bridge
~Fauve~: park bench