Dan Small: Colorado Potato Beetle larva - Leptinotarsa decemlineata -Andelot Farm-060714
Dan Small: Golden-backed Snipe Fly - Chrysopilus thoracicus - Andelot Farm - 060714
Dan Small: Poison Ivy Sawfly - Arge humeralis - Chino Farms 06-16-14
Dan Small: Dichotomius carolinus. 06-24-14 Chino, MD
Dan Small: Cuckoo Wasp -Chrysis angolensis - Chino 062214
Dan Small: Tipula longiventris - female - Chino 051914
Dan Small: Tachypompilus ferrugineus 072513 Chino. QA. MD
Dan Small: Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus - Chino, QA. MD. 072513
Dan Small: Rustic Sphinx Manduca rustica - Chino - 07-23-14 (1)
Dan Small: Virginia Big-Headed Tiger Beetle (Tetracha virginica) Chino 07-27-14
Dan Small: Tritoxa incurva Caroline County 07-2014
Dan Small: Tritoxa incurva Caroline County 07-2014
Dan Small: Buttercup Oil Beetle (Meloe americanus) Chino, QA 04-20-14
Dan Small: Eastern Cicada Killer Kenndyville KE Co. 080315
Dan Small: Spotted Cucumber Beetle Sassafras NRMA KE Co. 101715
Dan Small: American Carrion Beetles, Ridged Carrion Beetles and a Margined Carrion Beetle, Turner's Creek Farm, Kentmore Park Rd, Kent Co. 051816
Dan Small: Asiatic Tearthumb and Japanese Beetle, Cunningham Falls State Park visitor Center, FR Co. 062516 - Catoctin Furnace Quad
Dan Small: Spotted Cucumber Beetle, Turner's Creek Farm, Kentmore Park Rd, Kent Co. 061316 - Galena Quad
Dan Small: American Carrion Bettle, Falls Trail, Cummingham Falls State Park, FR Co. 062516 - Blue Ridge Summit Quad
Dan Small: Alianthus Moth, Chino Farms, QA Co. 100116 - Chestertown Quad
Dan Small: Bald-faced Hornet nest - Eastern Neck NWR, Kent Co. 092516 - Langford Quad (2)
Dan Small: Cloudless Sulfur - Silver Hill Farm, Learman Rd, 103016 - Chestertown Quad
Dan Small: Cloudless Sulfur Andelot Farms, Kent Co. 103016 - Hanesville Quad
Dan Small: Dilophus spinipes - Chino Farms, QA Co. 100116 - Chestertown Quad
Dan Small: Fly sp - Tolchester Beach Rd, wooded edge east of rt 445, Kent Co. 100116 -Rockhall Quad
Dan Small: Fly sp. - Chino Farms, QA Co. 100116 - Chestertown Quad
Dan Small: Honey Bee hive in tree cavity - Eastern Neck NWR, Kent Co. 092516 - Langford Quad
Dan Small: Large Milkweed Bug - Bloomfield County Park, QA Co. 090516 - Centreville Quad
Dan Small: Large Milkweed Bug - Turner's Creek Farm, Kentmore Park Rd, Kent Co. 080116 - Galena Quad (3)
Dan Small: Locust Borer - Turner's Creek Farm, Kentmore Park Rd, Kent Co. 093016 - Galena Quad