jnotias2000: Lobivia pentlandii v varians
jnotias2000: Lobivia pentlandii v varians flower
jnotias2000: Lobivia species w/ rich orange flower
jnotias2000: Same Lobivia species a day later.
jnotias2000: Lobivia species, top view.
jnotias2000: Close up of Lobivia species showing filiments aligned around anulus.
jnotias2000: Rebutia robustispina
jnotias2000: Red, yellow and orange
jnotias2000: Sulcorebutia species
jnotias2000: Same Sulcorebutia sp. showing monstrose offsets and normal offsets.
jnotias2000: Sulcorebutia sp. w/normal offsets at lower right.
jnotias2000: Euphorbia obesa w/head of seed pods.
jnotias2000: Rebutia tarijensis WR87
jnotias2000: Fockea edulis