bephare: sean, listening for approaching danger...
bephare: sean listening even more closely and with his whole being for approaching danger...
bephare: sean, raising his foot in the air to increase circulation to the brain
bephare: hand dancing
bephare: lance
bephare: lance, preparing for the time of his life
bephare: balancing jon
bephare: jon & lance on "the prowl"
bephare: twisted!
bephare: yoga at the smiths
bephare: kevin doing his new exercise, "lotus breakin'"
bephare: rolly kev
bephare: sean attempting the lotus with red socks on
bephare: sean likes to attempt things whilst donning red socks
bephare: kevin could have been a beatle.
bephare: candiss & leah, et al
bephare: boys and a couch
bephare: becki & kevin after I instructed him to "look like you love me"
bephare: me & special k
bephare: courtney, morgan & levi's mouth
bephare: kevin & jesse
bephare: me & teeny levi evan
bephare: me & big levi
bephare: austin bidding erin adieu!
bephare: morgan running for dear life away from Erin!
bephare: jon & austin....friends, and so much more
bephare: kevin, preparing for the dance of his life
bephare: morgan & me!
bephare: fast hands & little kicks make the party!
bephare: erin dances on or off the dance floor. doesn't matter.