bephare: almost group picture
bephare: sean's head & friends
bephare: grooming
bephare: maybe I shouldn't have eaten that apple after all...
bephare: erin's joy is prevalent
bephare: DSC01153_1
bephare: DSC01152
bephare: Why, Shug?!
bephare: look at my face spots! A-TTRACT-TIVE!
bephare: watch the zoom, becki!!!
bephare: pat, margo & luke
bephare: just before......"the dance"
bephare: gooooooo Yeshua!
bephare: dragan is always surprising kevin....and justin's always threatening them both
bephare: the dominating 3
bephare: take special note of erin's "hand dance" and zach's determination to be in the picture
bephare: thanks steph!
bephare: you spin me right round baby right round
bephare: erin's hair!
bephare: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dance!
bephare: the pat serenade
bephare: arms?
bephare: pirates like cheese dip
bephare: always knows where the camera is *WINK!*
bephare: that hat really brings out daniel's hair
bephare: hello, ambre!
bephare: care-a-lot!
bephare: story time
bephare: pink!
bephare: smiling