Charlie679: Old journals
Charlie679: One of my favorite photos of my Ann, taken in Maine.
Charlie679: Denim cape, hood up.
Charlie679: Denim cape, hood down.
Charlie679: Raggedy Ann and I reading in Maine
Charlie679: Ann's autumn dress. Petticoat is trimmed with antique lace.
Charlie679: Raggedy Ann as a southern belle
Charlie679: Hungry Palette bodice under white ruffled skirt
Charlie679: Raggedy Ann tells Andy about her adventures in Maine.
Charlie679: Journal entry about making Morgan, my sacred clown doll.
Charlie679: Ann and Andy sharing a giggle
Charlie679: Who says that Raggedy Ann can't wear a lace dress?
Charlie679: Dressed up for Easter in lavendar satin and lace
Charlie679: Description of my imagined remodel of my Playhouse
Charlie679: Playhouse remodel continued
Charlie679: First proper cloth doll I made -- Abigail
Charlie679: Abigail waits to be M's Christmas gift
Charlie679: M meets Abigail on Christmas day.
Charlie679: Display of gifts that M. made for me on the church art board
Charlie679: Journal collage of photos from the lecture I gave on working with fabric.
Charlie679: After a lecture at the Women's Art Club
Charlie679: Raggedy Ann and my first AG Samantha