Charlie679: Purple parade begins with pansies.
Charlie679: Today we visited 16 Acres. Not much growing except orchids.
Charlie679: Purple metallics, not quite what she wants.
Charlie679: Pamela in Easter colors
Charlie679: tea in the rain among violets
Charlie679: Dress knitted by Jill
Charlie679: P for Purple Asters?
Charlie679: But Pamela wants a different style hat. Naturally.
Charlie679: Back at home it's cold and the snowdrops are barely open.
Charlie679: Second try probably fits the way the pattern was intended.
Charlie679: I planted forget-me-nots where the old shed was.
Charlie679: Very early, brave little crocus
Charlie679: Daffydill love
Charlie679: 100_2997
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Charlie679: Pam 'n Allium
Charlie679: Japanese painted ferns
Charlie679: Burgundy lilacs
Charlie679: Final day for hunting Cats and Dogs
Charlie679: Tulip dress
Charlie679: Colors in the Williamstown Inn garden
Charlie679: Lavendar striped spring dress
Charlie679: Mount Holyoke Flowershow
Charlie679: Happiness is finding the fabric I wanted at the very last minute!
Charlie679: Blueberry picking
Charlie679: M fabric
Charlie679: Aku and Pamela
Charlie679: M's Easter dress
Charlie679: mosaic0ea93bbfdc24bada3e5b5c6a3304e37f8e70ab09
Charlie679: Purple sundress with turquoise flowers