Charlie679: Pamela's A day. A is for Adversary.
Charlie679: A is for Adversary.
Charlie679: Moonbathing
Charlie679: Too much?
Charlie679: Bear pajamas by candlelight
Charlie679: bear pajamas
Charlie679: Bare bear pajamas
Charlie679: Pamela's Box picture
Charlie679: Cat's in the cradle...
Charlie679: Dance --> romance?
Charlie679: Dancing with Data
Charlie679: Dragons -- and Picard is there!
Charlie679: Dragon diplomacy: "We come in peace." "Oh yeah?"
Charlie679: Overwhelmed by the odds (and dragon breath)
Charlie679: People perching is fun when you're a flirty little scarlet dragon.
Charlie679: Bag, bag, Pamela, Pamela -- Snapfish shopping bag special
Charlie679: E is for -- Sara wants Eeyore and Pamela wants elephant!
Charlie679: "Evelyn collected elephants and E is for Evelyn, too!"
Charlie679: E stands for Evelyn's elephants.
Charlie679: "You're a donkey!" "Well, YOU are a MASTODON!"
Charlie679: "Be quiet, everyone, and smile!" Pamela demands.
Charlie679: Evelyn would want E to be for Everyone.
Charlie679: Teatime with Mother
Charlie679: Pamela and fans
Charlie679: Giraffes are shy, gentle animals.
Charlie679: Pamela is lucky to make friends with this giraffe.
Charlie679: G is for Giraffe love. Pamela wears M's giraffe charm.
Charlie679: My desk at the office the day I retired.
Charlie679: Whose hands?
Charlie679: H. Hands.