Charlie679: Victorian house similar to many in older parts of Hartford.
Charlie679: Pamela loves carousels of all kinds, even gingerbread!
Charlie679: Green Gables Gingerbread house. Yummy.
Charlie679: A favorite Xmas tradition is to see the gingerbread houses in the Spfld museum.
Charlie679: Pamela gazes longingly at the huge Simpson planet in the Springfield Science Museum.
Charlie679: Snow paintings, with trees
Charlie679: Snow trees, with painting
Charlie679: Dolly feels the Christmas spirit.
Charlie679: Afternoon tea at Tea Roses
Charlie679: Ever wonder who puts together the Festival of Trees?
Charlie679: Only elves would find fun in reshaping an artifical tree.
Charlie679: Christmas tree decorated with Josh Simpson planets
Charlie679: Tea with Cara at Tea Roses
Charlie679: Jay Ferron with some of his blown glass -- and Pamela
Charlie679: Undersea worlds are his specialty.
Charlie679: Blessings of the Solstice!
Charlie679: New planet direct from Josh Simpson's studio
Charlie679: new planet from Josh Simpson's studio, dated 2014
Charlie679: Solstice and Christmas planets -- kitchen window
Charlie679: Pamela's new Christmas dress, with planets
Charlie679: Signs of the season: candles, stars, wonders and silly hats
Charlie679: Merry Christmas!
Charlie679: Christmas cloak
Charlie679: Merry Christmas from Pamela and her friends
Charlie679: St. Lucia doll carved by Ingeborg Tinius.
Charlie679: Sunday afternoon concert at the festival of trees
Charlie679: Pamela has been practicing on her xylophone.
Charlie679: Agatha loves playing the flute, especially with a friendly elf blowing on a tin whistle.
Charlie679: Bells, bells! The littlest girls are pulling the bells in a tree shaped tower and Eeyore shakes his sleigh bells.
Charlie679: String section