Charlie679: Gina reads to Pamela
Charlie679: Happy 4th of July from Pamela!
Charlie679: Fourth Friends
Charlie679: The cat says it all. Imagine a 4th when there is World Peace!
Charlie679: Dressed for summer: Dolly, Pamela and Cara
Charlie679: You paid HOW MUCH for ricrac?
Charlie679: $2.00 for only 4 yards? And you didn't use a coupon?"
Charlie679: Pamela faints.
Charlie679: Mary asks, "What did I do wrong?"
Charlie679: "You have to realize that we older people tend to think things cost what they used to."
Charlie679: "This ribbon edged eyelet cost 30 cents for 24 yards."
Charlie679: Revived, Pamela points out all the stitches C. could have used instead of ricrac!
Charlie679: "But did you know that thread now costs $4 a spool?" Dolly asks.
Charlie679: "No. That's frightful!" Pamela replies.
Charlie679: "Perhaps C. should give up sewing altogether?"
Charlie679: But Pamela changes her mind when she learns that the ricrac is for HER new dress!
Charlie679: Pamela says Hi from the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, CT
Charlie679: Pamela listens to the 1 pm docent lecture.
Charlie679: Trapeze artist sculpture
Charlie679: Pamela imitating Calder
Charlie679: Art is best appreciated in silence.
Charlie679: "I've always admired your work, Monsieur Monet."
Charlie679: Pamela resting in Japanese style box bookcase
Charlie679: Book cover size is easier for Pamela to see
Charlie679: Doll imitating Art imitating Life
Charlie679: Look, I can FLY!!!!
Charlie679: Pamela enjoys having Dolly here for company.
Charlie679: We've been looking forward to coming here for a while.
Charlie679: Tea Roses tea room is small and intimate.
Charlie679: Cherie shares the dessert level of her tea tray.