Charlie679: Pamela watches squirrels on the south side.
Charlie679: Henry -- my squirrel with no tail and 3 paws
Charlie679: Henry is so cute. And well-fed.
Charlie679: Happy May Day!
Charlie679: Lovely warm evening, the scent of pear blossoms and no rain!
Charlie679: Shane has her own way to appreciate a pear tree in bloom.
Charlie679: Tottie is happy that Pamela invited her to share her May Day.
Charlie679: Peaceful with friends around
Charlie679: Cinnamon ferns are more deliberate but so beautiful when they reach full growth.
Charlie679: Final day for hunting Cats and Dogs
Charlie679: Guardian Angel lab
Charlie679: Queen Belle
Charlie679: Decoration is painted with rhinestones added on.
Charlie679: Don't mess with Spot!
Charlie679: Derby Day teaparty
Charlie679: Enys and Marillys Witrin, both by Deann Cote
Charlie679: Vicki Applegate and Pamela Hutchins
Charlie679: Vicki is very delicate and beautifully jointed. Always a lady!
Charlie679: Derby Day tea menu: mint tea, mint chocolate chip ice cream, daily double chocolate cookies and chocolate roses.
Charlie679: Enys was my first real Hitty doll and she will always be the face of Hitty for me.
Charlie679: Marillys has a somewhat stern face but a smile in her heart.
Charlie679: The Kentucky Derby is one of my favorite private festivals of the year!
Charlie679: Ready, set, PAINT!
Charlie679: Lots of different colors go into painting a sunset.
Charlie679: November Sunset Kitty
Charlie679: Halfway through the decoupage -- I didn't know what to do with the face at 2 a.m. so I stopped.
Charlie679: Butterfly Babe completed
Charlie679: Sunset Kitty and Butterfly Babe
Charlie679: Mystery dog indeed. More like, Invisible!
Charlie679: Pamela officially submits her card for entry in the drawing.