Charlie679: April Fool!
Charlie679: Pamela enjoys her favorite rock in Anne's front yard.
Charlie679: Shane crossed the street to follow me.
Charlie679: Shane on Anne's front porch
Charlie679: 100_8459
Charlie679: Happiness is a sun warmed crocus!
Charlie679: Shane on my front porch
Charlie679: It's wonderful to be able to play on the lawn again. No snow!
Charlie679: April at last!
Charlie679: trip to 16 Acres Garden Center
Charlie679: Primly spring
Charlie679: A fondness for fountains
Charlie679: Something rare about this pair
Charlie679: Spring blooming cactus!
Charlie679: Not a South American rain forest
Charlie679: 100_8468
Charlie679: img_1833
Charlie679: Proud Piper to Princess Pamela
Charlie679: calico and crocus
Charlie679: 100_8557
Charlie679: lovely place for a tea party...
Charlie679: img_1901
Charlie679: img_1905
Charlie679: img_1906
Charlie679: img_1909
Charlie679: img_1910
Charlie679: img_1911
Charlie679: img_1908
Charlie679: img_1912
Charlie679: Next time she's going to want real tea in these cups.