PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2570A - Power Pole Geometry
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2571A - Mic
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2573A - Power Pole Danger Sign
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2574A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2575A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2576A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2578A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2580A - Rats In The Santiago's Yard
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2581A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2583A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2584A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2585A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2586A - Cookies With The Ottomans
PryanksterDave (Dave Price):
DSCN2587A - Cookies With The Ottomans