Orchids by Hausermann: Cattlianthe Jewel Box 'Scherezade' (Guarianthe aurantiaca x Cattleya Anzac) Z-1036 #cattlianthe #guarianthe #sophrolaeliocattleya #cattleya #red #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattlianthe Jewel Box 'Scherezade' (Guarianthe aurantiaca x Cattleya Anzac) Z-1036 #cattlianthe #guarianthe #sophrolaeliocattleya #cattleya #red #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Red Berry (Bright Angel x milleri) Z-17083
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncattleanthe Dancing Beauty 'NN' (Tzeng-Wen Beauty x Dancing Daffodil)
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncattleanthe Dancing Beauty 'NN' (Tzeng-Wen Beauty x Dancing Daffodil)
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Park Ridge 'Thornridge' (Spring Comet x C. mossiae) Z-943 #cattleya #laeliocattleya #white #semialba #wcl #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Park Ridge 'Thornridge' (Spring Comet x C. mossiae) Z-943 #cattleya #laeliocattleya #white #semialba #wcl #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Park Ridge 'Thornridge' (Spring Comet x C. mossiae) Z-943 #cattleya #laeliocattleya #white #semialba #wcl #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Park Ridge 'Thornridge' (Spring Comet x C. mossiae) Z-943 #cattleya #laeliocattleya #white #semialba #wcl #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya walkeriana var. coerulea CH-21731 #cattleya #orchid #fragrant #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya walkeriana var. coerulea CH-21731 #cattleya #orchid #fragrant #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya luteola #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya luteola #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya (gaskelliana var. semi-concolor x gaskelliana) CH-18375 #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya (gaskelliana var. semi-concolor x gaskelliana) CH-18375 #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya (gaskelliana var. semi-concolor x gaskelliana) CH-18375 #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya (gaskelliana var. semi-concolor x gaskelliana) CH-18375 #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncholaeliocattleya (King of Taiwan 'Da Shing #1' x Marquette's Canary 'Yellow Bird') CH-19263 #rhyncholaeliocattleya #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncholaeliocattleya (King of Taiwan 'Da Shing #1' x Marquette's Canary 'Yellow Bird') CH-19263 #rhyncholaeliocattleya #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncholaeliocattleya (King of Taiwan 'Da Shing #1' x Marquette's Canary 'Yellow Bird') CH-19263 #rhyncholaeliocattleya #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Mrs. Mahler 'Mem. Fred Tomkins' AM/AOS (bicolor x guttata) Z-1460 #cattleya #fragrant #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Mrs. Mahler 'Mem. Fred Tomkins' AM/AOS (bicolor x guttata) Z-1460 #cattleya #fragrant #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Mrs. Mahler 'Mem. Fred Tomkins' AM/AOS (bicolor x guttata) Z-1460 #cattleya #fragrant #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Tricia Nixon 'Presidential' (loddigesii x Carl Hausermann) Z-937 #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattleya Tricia Nixon 'Presidential' (loddigesii x Carl Hausermann) Z-937 #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chief Delight (Aurea en Garona x Asia Sunlight) Z-21401 #rhyncholaeliocattleya #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chief Delight (Aurea en Garona x Asia Sunlight) Z-21401 #rhyncholaeliocattleya #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncattleanthe Little Fortune 'Fiery' (Cattlianthe Loog Tone x Rhyncattleanthe Haw Yuan Glory) #rhyncattleanthe #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Rhyncattleanthe Little Fortune 'Fiery' (Cattlianthe Loog Tone x Rhyncattleanthe Haw Yuan Glory) #rhyncattleanthe #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann
Orchids by Hausermann: Cattlianthe Loog Tone 'SD' (Cattlianthe Netrasiri Doll x Cattleya Thospol Spot) #cattlianthe #cattleya #orchid #orchidsbyhausermann