Arie Koelewyn: Lavender Violet
Arie Koelewyn: Spotted Violet
Arie Koelewyn: Dark Purple Violet
Arie Koelewyn: Forget-Me-Nots
Arie Koelewyn: Money Plant Blossoms
Arie Koelewyn: Two Irises
Arie Koelewyn: Three Irises
Arie Koelewyn: Bleeding Hearts
Arie Koelewyn: Trillium
Arie Koelewyn: Grape Hyacinth
Arie Koelewyn: Scilla: A Bun in the Oven
Arie Koelewyn: Forsythia
Arie Koelewyn: two tulips
Arie Koelewyn: Scilla and blue-legged bee
Arie Koelewyn: Scilla group
Arie Koelewyn: Battered
Arie Koelewyn: Late Bloomer
Arie Koelewyn: Crocus, the saga continues
Arie Koelewyn: Forced Forsythia
Arie Koelewyn: Yet Another Purple Crocus
Arie Koelewyn: Purple Crocus
Arie Koelewyn: Giving Up By Lying Down
Arie Koelewyn: It rained again.
Arie Koelewyn: Crocus & Rain
Arie Koelewyn: Crocus in snow
Arie Koelewyn: On the Fence