momome72: 다음주 테스트 대비 열심히 공부중.. Muriel is studying hard for IOWA, Nation Wide testing next week.
momome72: Venetian at Las Vegas
momome72: Venetian at Las Vegas
momome72: Venetian at Las Vegas
momome72: Venetian at Las Vegas
momome72: Venetian at Las Vegas
momome72: upload
momome72: 스마일 삼종세트
momome72: via @frametastic
momome72: Happy father's day dad!
momome72: upload
momome72: Swimming class.
momome72: Japan Town
momome72: Yum yum
momome72: I'm tired.
momome72: Ella andMuriel
momome72: Dance Recital.
momome72: I can do much higher.
momome72: This is so cool~~
momome72: 맛있게 냠냠!!
momome72: Woo hoo~
momome72: Go Cars!!
momome72: 상항 기독 한국학교 개교 30주년 국악 한마당 잔치.
momome72: 소리이모의 깜짝선물!!! 땡큐 소 머치!!
momome72: Ella and Muriel
momome72: Ella and Muriel had good time at the Alta Plaza Park.
momome72: Ironman 3 IMAX
momome72: Don't you scary guys?
momome72: It's not only big, but also sweet. 큰건 맛없다는 정설을 깨버렸다. 큰게 달기까지하다.