zunehmen: reshuffle and misdeal
zunehmen: Scharfsinnig
zunehmen: not in package
Angeline -on-off: Kachel mit Vorhang
Julie Rutherford*: Detail of tomb chest of Frederick Richards Leyland, c.1892, by Edward Burne-Jones. Brompton Cemetery , London
kurberry: 1915
Dawn Marie Arsenaux: experimenting with paper weaving 1
igumnov.philipp: charging
woodcum: action hero
Jerac: Signalis - LSTR replika / save room
Profound Whatever: 3AM and still no sign of the Count.
johnnyoptic: Superbloomin'
johnnyoptic: More Superbloomin'
johnnyoptic: Glimpse 11 of 11
jefbrr: Smokey afternoon at Garden of the Gods
recombiner: the news
Capybailey: megadesk
Richard Vergez: Trip like I do
lukejordan: #morningwalk #shadows
Ludovic Macioszczyk Photography: Le Pêcheur - Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez, Vendée