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Explore by LL Poems
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LL Poems
Pretty Flower en ByN - In Explore 13-6-15
LL Poems
Mosaicos en ByN (new variation) - In Explore 23-6-15
LL Poems
Terciopelo en ByN (Velvet) - In Explore 3-7-15
LL Poems
Nos vigilan (They watch us) - In Explore 13-7-15
LL Poems
Ventana al mar (Window to the Sea) - In Explore 23-7-15
LL Poems
Hacia los sueños en ByN - In Explore 2-8-15
LL Poems
Lindo gatito (Cute kitty) - In Explore 12-8-15
LL Poems
Dos mundos- In Explore 23-8-15
LL Poems
Burbuja floral en ByN - (In Explore 4-9-15)
LL Poems
Hierba y luz (Grass and Light) - In Explore 30-9-15
LL Poems
En vuelo - (In Explore 28-10-15)
LL Poems
Pliegues de colores (Folds of colors) - In Explore 11-11-15
LL Poems
Tesela a tesela (Tile to tile) - In Explore 2-12-15
LL Poems
Nostalgia - In Explore 12-12-15
LL Poems
Blanca - In Explore 30-1-16
LL Poems
Blanca en ByN - In Explore 8-2-16
LL Poems
Silver Toilets Boys- In Explore 25-2-16
LL Poems
Composición (Composition) - In Explore 4-2-16
LL Poems
Reflejos street - In Explore 16-5-16
LL Poems
Saque de Juanito en ByN (He Zhi Wen) - In Explore 4-6-16
LL Poems
La belleza del cristal - In Explore 18-6-16
LL Poems
Abstracción verde - In Explore 28-7-16
LL Poems
Hojas y bokeh - In Explore 9-8-16
LL Poems
Trazos en verde - In Explore 28-8-16
LL Poems
The Light Power - In Explore 11-9-16
LL Poems
Las sombras - In Explore 22-11-16
LL Poems
La ciudad a mis pies - In Explore 8-12-16
LL Poems
Dulce noche (Sweet night) - In Explore 24-1-2017
LL Poems
Gotas- (In Explore 29-3-2020)
LL Poems
Laguna Rosa - In Explore 14-4-21
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