randy.brandt: Looking good, KT
randy.brandt: Joyful girls
randy.brandt: I'm Alive!
randy.brandt: marsha and pre
randy.brandt: Marsha and Pre
randy.brandt: kissed by a dog
randy.brandt: Puppy Lovers Unite
randy.brandt: hanging out at the expo #1
randy.brandt: Blues, Mississippi style
randy.brandt: Playing with the little guy thingies
randy.brandt: Ready to play Cranium
randy.brandt: Katie trying the crutches
randy.brandt: Chris trying the crutches
randy.brandt: Marsha's having fun again
randy.brandt: Is Chris in love?
randy.brandt: Avatar Boys
randy.brandt: Avatar Fans
randy.brandt: Nail Salon Time Out
randy.brandt: Marsha at the Nail Salon
randy.brandt: Katie's Greenbay Toenails didn't help
randy.brandt: Juliana's baking delicious treats
randy.brandt: Cale inside grillin' the sliders!
randy.brandt: Frozen Belhaven Fountain
randy.brandt: Funny Musical Athlete
randy.brandt: 3 string cigar box slide guitar
randy.brandt: Collecting Autographs
randy.brandt: blues at the expo
randy.brandt: blues - authentic
randy.brandt: Blues Autograph
randy.brandt: seriously?