Phil Kenny: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Phil Kenny: Snow Geese
Phil Kenny: Cackling Goose, Snow Goose
Phil Kenny: Ross's Goose
Phil Kenny: Cackling Goose
Phil Kenny: Cackling Goose
Phil Kenny: Cackling Goose and Canada Goose
Phil Kenny: Canada Goose
Phil Kenny: Trumpeter Swan
Phil Kenny: Mute Swan
Phil Kenny: Mute Swan
Phil Kenny: Trumpeter Swan
Phil Kenny: Tundra Swans
Phil Kenny: Wood Duck
Phil Kenny: Wood Duck
Phil Kenny: Gadwall
Phil Kenny: American Wigeon
Phil Kenny: Black Duck, Mallard
Phil Kenny: Mallard
Phil Kenny: Mallard, drake and unusual hen
Phil Kenny: Blue-winged Teal
Phil Kenny: Northern Shoveler
Phil Kenny: Northern Pintail
Phil Kenny: Green-winged Teal
Phil Kenny: Canvasback
Phil Kenny: Redhead, Canvasback, Gadwall
Phil Kenny: Ring-necked Duck
Phil Kenny: Ring-necked Duck
Phil Kenny: Greater Scaup
Phil Kenny: Ring-necked Duck & Greater Scaup