alau3of7: Workin the makeup
alau3of7: Workin the makeup some more
alau3of7: Kalama, our bartender, and Kat
alau3of7: More Kalama and Kat
alau3of7: Joc and Michelle
alau3of7: Kalama and Bree
alau3of7: Presenting the tiara and veil
alau3of7: Putting on the tiara and veil
alau3of7: Adjusting the veil
alau3of7: Blushing bride - yeah right!
alau3of7: More Jocie
alau3of7: More Jocie
alau3of7: First Cosmo of the night
alau3of7: More Cosmos!
alau3of7: And MORE cosmos!
alau3of7: Cheers
alau3of7: Joc and Dede
alau3of7: Oh look! Cake! Chocolate! YAY!!!
alau3of7: Blowin some candles
alau3of7: You must eat cake.
alau3of7: Joc and her champagne!
alau3of7: Test Drinks
alau3of7: The signature drink - created by Kalama
alau3of7: McCormack Girls as the Jocettes
alau3of7: Joc is properly attired for her evening.
alau3of7: Angelic
alau3of7: Back of the shirt
alau3of7: Front of the shirt
alau3of7: Joc and the Jocettes