alau3of7: Big eel!
alau3of7: Another Nudebranch
alau3of7: Checkin out the swimthrough
alau3of7: Little eel
alau3of7: SHARK!!!
alau3of7: Mike diving
alau3of7: Mike
alau3of7: Nudebranch
alau3of7: Maile at the swimthrough
alau3of7: Maile at the Swimthrough
alau3of7: Swimthrough
alau3of7: Getting ready to go down
alau3of7: Mike on the bottom
alau3of7: FISH!
alau3of7: Cool coral and starfish
alau3of7: Fish!
alau3of7: Damsel fish
alau3of7: More damsel fish
alau3of7: FISH
alau3of7: Needle fish
alau3of7: Wrasse
alau3of7: Joey and Mike checking out the coral
alau3of7: Starfish
alau3of7: Damsel fish being chased by Gil.
alau3of7: Closeup of Gil.
alau3of7: Cool shell.
alau3of7: More fish!
alau3of7: Not sure what kinda fish this is.
alau3of7: More needle fish