portero72........mark: first day's dualsporting
portero72........mark: where we are going...
portero72........mark: first big obstacle is...
portero72........mark: sonofabitch!!!
portero72........mark: one, two....
portero72........mark: one down, bitchass!
portero72........mark: suck it, tree!
portero72........mark: from whence we came
portero72........mark: havin a blast
portero72........mark: Brad and Patrice
portero72........mark: 1st morning, can u smell the hangovers?
portero72........mark: camp live oak
portero72........mark: plotting the day's ride
portero72........mark: Patrice and Christian
portero72........mark: same old fallen tree
portero72........mark: i Bruce Lee'd that mutha
portero72........mark: we made that tree our bitch
portero72........mark: lookin like texas
portero72........mark: check out them badass dualsports