chuck12600: White Pelicans
chuck12600: White Pelicans II
chuck12600: Marbled Godwit
chuck12600: Marbled Godwit Flying
chuck12600: Balancing Act
chuck12600: Sanderling again
chuck12600: Down the Hatch
chuck12600: Sanderling at work
chuck12600: Vigilant Sandpipers
chuck12600: Two Birds in the Sand
chuck12600: Three Birds
chuck12600: Beach Bird
chuck12600: One Bird with Food
chuck12600: Shorebird at Mountain View
chuck12600: Three birds on the way to dinner
chuck12600: Crustacean Captured
chuck12600: Egret Hunting
chuck12600: Sand and Kelp
chuck12600: Mr. Beak
chuck12600: White on brown
chuck12600: Bird at Los Osos Access
chuck12600: Room for Everyone
chuck12600: Long Billed Curlew
chuck12600: Elegant or Royal Tern Head
chuck12600: Herrman's Gull with food
chuck12600: Another Egret Shot
chuck12600: Dinner
chuck12600: Shore Bird at Oso Flaco
chuck12600: Heron Today
chuck12600: Long-billed Curlew