amber.worman: See what I mean?! And she only wanted Auntie Autumn.
amber.worman: Aww he's getting so BIG! Kaitlynn however wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with any fireworks or anything.
amber.worman: We got a box of snacks from my former coworker in Japan. Kids were super excited.
amber.worman: My big girl. She got her teeth cleaned by herself. But halfway through the last half she needed when the dentist checked them she was in my lap.
amber.worman: Such a big kid. Clean teeth good to go ;)
amber.worman: Kaitlynn woke up with a NEST in her hair. Logan woke up with magazine all over his head...
amber.worman: Picked by us strawberries taste the best...
amber.worman: Yesterday birthday shenanigans
amber.worman: "Uncle Geg is here!" (I love the way he says Greg)
amber.worman: OMG they are a sweet
amber.worman: Introducing rosemary soap nuts shampoo. Dundundundunnnnnnnnnn
amber.worman: Made myself some new kitchen soap jars from the mason jars I bought a while ago. Yay!
amber.worman: The cutest kids
amber.worman: Me and my mini me.
amber.worman: upload
amber.worman: Freedom!
amber.worman: Guess who is ready to FINALLY go pick up daddy for the last time in a long time?!
amber.worman: The DUCK. So cute guys so cute
amber.worman: Homecoming preparations.
amber.worman: Thanks. It's just rest time. Riiiighhhhttttttt
amber.worman: Logan completely filled up his good behavior/super helping jar and got to get Scruffy an outfit. You would not even believe how excited he is about today.
amber.worman: They are soooo cute!
amber.worman: They drew what the saw on the farm yesterday. Logan drew 5 lil piggies. I died. They are so cute!
amber.worman: On our way to the farm field trip!
amber.worman: This kid is the coolest man
amber.worman: So I need 9 months to prepare? Huh?! When?!?
amber.worman: LOL "the big pink slide" lmfao
amber.worman: More fun. Lol