opedproject: "Because I can, and the millions of people locked up can't." - Emily Wang, Yale #PublicVoices Fellow 2014 #theOpedProject
opedproject: "Because gender matters." - Sherry McKee, Yale #PublicVoices fellow, 2014
opedproject: "Theater are other possibilities...we have to imagine them, fight for them..." - Jennifer Klein, Yale #PublicVoices fellow, 2014
opedproject: "Because the legacy of colonialism endures." -Alejandra Dubcovsky, Yale #PublicVoices Fellow, 2014 #theOpEdProject
opedproject: "I want to know who we are and how we got there." - Yale #PublicVoices fellow, 2014 #theOpedProject
opedproject: "I am my own boss." -Paula Kavathas, Yale #PublicVoices fellow, 2014 #theOpEdProject
opedproject: Robin Masheb
opedproject: "Because the outcome is not always known, and the ways to get there are many." -Robin Masheb, #Yale #PublicVoices fellow @theOpEdProject
opedproject: "To increase women's claims on resources." - #Yale #PublicVoices fellow @theOpEdProject 2014
opedproject: "Because social injustice is *social* and *unjust*..."-Libby Wood, #Yale #PublicVoices fellow @theopedproject 2014
opedproject: "Because trying and failing is better than playing it safe." - "I want to know who we are and how we got there." - #Yale #PublicVoices fellow #theOpedProject 2014
opedproject: ""To understand the past and make others understand it." -Beatrice Gruendler, #Yale #PublicVoices fellow, 2014 #theOpedProject
opedproject: upload
opedproject: upload
opedproject: upload
opedproject: upload
opedproject: upload
opedproject: "Because my voice is compelling and my message is necessary." - Mira Vale, #Yale #PublicVoices, 2014 #theOpedProject
opedproject: upload
opedproject: upload
opedproject: "Because the specificity of individual and collective creativity ripples outward..." -Emily Coates, #Yale #PublicVoices fellow #theOpEdProject
opedproject: "Because creativity ripples outward..." -Emily Coates, #Yale #PublicVoices Fellow @theopedproject 2014
opedproject: "Because we all deserve to have a meaningful old age."
opedproject: With our Public Voices fellows at Yale and in #Tucson today, exploring how ideas spread & what we leave behind.