opedproject: "Because everyone wants to be free." -Peter, #Dartmouth #PublicVoices fellow @theopedproject
opedproject: "Because teaching & engineering are puzzles to solve." -Vicky #dartmouth #publicvoices fellow @theopedproject
opedproject: "Because we are the meaning we make." -Rebecca #dartmouth #publicvoices fellow @theopedproject
opedproject: "Because everyone wants to be free." -Peter, #Dartmouth #publicvoices fellow @theopedproject
opedproject: Steve, Dartmouth
opedproject: "Because I'm responsible." -Lourdes, #Dartmouth #PublicVoices fellow, on why she does what she does @theopedproject
opedproject: Dartmouth WDYDWYD
opedproject: Dartmouth WDYDWYD
opedproject: Dartmouth
opedproject: "Knowledge is a shark: move forward slowly or sink." George, #Dartmouth #PublicVoices fellow, on why he does what he does
opedproject: "Someone let me in...fed my curiosity. I need to honor that. -Sienna, #Dartmouth #PublicVoices fellow