opedproject: "Because we only have one wild and precious life." -Alex, answering the question, why do you do what you do?
opedproject: "The story we tell becomes the world we live in." Answering the question, why do you do what you do? Talking about purpose and legacy with #theOpEdProject Public Voices fellows atDartmouth today. #WDYDWYD?
opedproject: Columbia WDYDWYD
opedproject: Columbia WDYDWYD
opedproject: Opal Tometti, cofounder of #blacklivesmatter, Ford Fellow
opedproject: Qanta Ahmed, FORD
opedproject: Michelle Odlum, Columbia
opedproject: "I have a lot to give!" (Our fellows are answering the question, Why do you do what you do?) #Yale #PublicVoices #WDYDWYD?
opedproject: Chrissy Greer, Fordham
opedproject: FullSizeRender-1
opedproject: "Because grace lives in beauty and brutality." - Gail, Ford #PublicVoices fellow, #wdydwyd
opedproject: IMG_0298
opedproject: Dartmouth WDYDWYD
opedproject: Zenovia. Dartmouth Public Voices Fellows answer the question, why do you do it you do? #theOpEdProject #WDYDWYD?
opedproject: Columbia WDYDWYD
opedproject: Cornell Y2 WDYDWYD
opedproject: YNOW WDYDWYD
opedproject: YNOW students answer the question WDYDWYD?
opedproject: upload
opedproject: upload
opedproject: Cris, Tucson
opedproject: Lynne Regan, Yale
opedproject: Columbia WDYDWYD