opedproject: 2015 CGPS WDYDWYD
opedproject: 2015 CGPS WDYDWYD
opedproject: 2015 CGPS WDYDWYD
opedproject: 2015 CGPS WDYDWYD
opedproject: 2015 CGPS WDYDWYD
opedproject: CGPS Public Voices Greenhouse Participants answer the question "Why Do You Do What You Do?"
opedproject: CGPS Public Voices Greenhouse Participants answer the question "Why Do You Do What You Do?"
opedproject: CGPS Public Voices Greenhouse Participants answer the question "Why Do You Do What You Do?"
opedproject: CGPS Public Voices Greenhouse Participants answer the question "Why Do You Do What You Do?"
opedproject: We got to share some of the highlights of our Dallas Public Voices program today with the funder, and I am still feeling the warmth of talking about the twenty social justice leaders we worked with and got to know. These photos are a few of my favorite i
opedproject: YNOW students answer the question WDYDWYD?
opedproject: Columbia WDYDWYD
opedproject: Qanta Ahmed, FORD
opedproject: "Disengagement is not an option." Our #Emory #PublicVoices fellows answer Why do you do what you do? #WDYDWYD?
opedproject: "Because my voice is compelling and my message is necessary." - Mira Vale, #Yale #PublicVoices, 2014 #theOpedProject
opedproject: Dartmouth WDYDWYD
opedproject: OpEd Project - Katie