shannon4462: On a break
shannon4462: DSC_7723 warm reflections
shannon4462: DSCN1155
shannon4462: DSCN2798 (1280x959)
shannon4462: DSC_0509 Great Falls, VA
shannon4462: DSC_4712 View from Benedict Bridge
shannon4462: DSC_8556 10-18-13 Sunset
shannon4462: DSC_8524 Golden sunset
shannon4462: DSC_2348 Frozen
shannon4462: DSC_4596 retaining wall
shannon4462: painted skies
shannon4462: DSC_6877 the birds are a nice touch
shannon4462: DSC_1523 devine
shannon4462: fishermans pier
shannon4462: sunset
shannon4462: through the clouds
shannon4462: 080414 sunset #3
shannon4462: 080414 sunset #1
shannon4462: Cloudscape
shannon4462: Myrtle Beach
shannon4462: Off my balcony
shannon4462: This old barn
shannon4462: Field of wildflowers
shannon4462: cracked autumn landscape
shannon4462: Condemned
shannon4462: Perry's Produce
shannon4462: Follow the brick path
shannon4462: First Christian church, New Castle PA
shannon4462: My house