CoinDesk: CoinDesk's Garrick Hileman presents 'The State of Blockchain'
CoinDesk: Panellists on 'Trust, Permissions, Openness: The Future of Innovation on the Blockchain'
CoinDesk: Adam Ludwin of, which announced a $30m raise on 9th September.
CoinDesk: "We're still using our training wheels, we're still learning." – Gregory Maxwell
CoinDesk: Over 500 attendees turned out for the day-long event.
CoinDesk: Left-to-right: Jason Weinstein, Catherine Pelker, Tigran Gambaryan, Kathryn Haun and moderator Jerry Brito.
CoinDesk: "It gives [us] another area to mine for information about those committing criminal activity." - Kathryn Haun
CoinDesk: Both Haun and Gambaryan discussed the case against Carl Mark Force and Sean Bridges.
CoinDesk: Michael J Casey with Gyft's Vinny Lingham, Visa Europe Collab's Jon Downing and Expedia's Connie Chung.
CoinDesk: Expedia – which integrated bitcoin last June – has seen "steady usage".
CoinDesk: Houman Shadab of New York Law School during panel 'A $1.6 Quadrillion Opportunity'
CoinDesk: Blythe Masters of Digital Asset Holdings said progress was "in the interest of everyone".
CoinDesk: Mentors and Consensus Scholars mingle upstairs.
CoinDesk: Hans Morris of Nyca Partners speaks with Consensus Scholars.
CoinDesk: NYT journalist Nathaniel Popper signs his book for attendees.
CoinDesk: CoinDesk's 1-on-1 with Debra Brackeen, the global head at Citi's Innovation Center.
CoinDesk: Left-to-right: Chelsea Barabas of MIT Media Lab, John Edge of Redrose, Bill Tai of Mai Tai Global and CoinDesk's Grace Caffyn.
CoinDesk: Barabas said blockchain technology was a "viable toolkit for solving problems".
CoinDesk: Jalak Jobanputra of Future/Perfect Ventures with Anjney Midha of KPCB Edge.
CoinDesk: The panel gave an overview of fundraising trends in the blockchain ecosystem.
CoinDesk: Attendees inside the main auditorium.
CoinDesk: Team 15 receives the $5,000 makeathon prize for their insurance solution.
CoinDesk: Anne Shere Wallwork, from the US Department of the Treasury.
CoinDesk: 'Moving Money: Could Digital Currency Impact Global Remittances and Financial Inclusion'
CoinDesk: 'Consumer Protection on the Blockchain'
CoinDesk: Xapo's Wences Casares and Hernan Botbol of Taringa discuss their partnership.
CoinDesk: CoinDesk's managing editor Emily Spaven leads a discussion of bitcoin micropayments.
CoinDesk: Nathaniel Popper, Internet security pioneer Christopher Allen and Garrick Hileman discuss bitcoin's origin story.
CoinDesk: "Look at the white paper and you see 20 or 30 years worth of work and a lot of people." - Nathaniel Popper
CoinDesk: Simon Taylor of Barclays.