CoinDesk: Early arrivals gear up for day one of the Consensus 2015 makeathon.
CoinDesk: Teams begin to form at the General Assembly co-working space in New York.
CoinDesk: Wall art at New York co-working space General Assembly.
CoinDesk: CoinDesk's Wong Joon Ian introduces makeathon participants to the two-day program.
CoinDesk: Citi Ventures' Ian Lee sets out vision for CoinDesk Makeathon.
CoinDesk: Ideas begin to form on the walls at Consensus 2015.
CoinDesk: ScoreChain founder Pierre Gerard takes a break from brainstorming.
CoinDesk: Hour five of the Consensus makeathon rolls on.
CoinDesk: Sample workstation at the Consensus 2015 makeathon.
CoinDesk: Makethon team 13 debates using blockchain for international aid.
CoinDesk: Pavel, tadge dryja, joseph poon
CoinDesk: Work, developer, building