CoinDesk: CoinDesk's first Expert Briefing.
CoinDesk: Attendees mingle before the presentation.
CoinDesk: Garrick Hileman, CoinDesk.
CoinDesk: Upstairs at Google Campus, London.
CoinDesk: CoinDesk CEO Jeremy Bonney welcomes the crowd.
CoinDesk: Garrick Hileman presents 'State of Bitcoin 2015'.
CoinDesk: Sponsors join CoinDesk for a panel discussion.
CoinDesk: Left-to-right: Garrick Hileman, James Smith, Jeremy Allaire and Joon Ian Wong.
CoinDesk: Circle's Josh Hawkins and Jeremy Bonney.
CoinDesk: Hugh Halford-Thompson tests out the General Bytes ATM.
CoinDesk: Elliptic chat with Bloomberg Markets reporter Edward Robinson.
CoinDesk: CoinDesk's Keith Horwood and Elliptic's Kevin Beardsley.
CoinDesk: General Bytes displays its bitcoin-only POS system.
CoinDesk: Attendees gather around the General Bytes bitcoin ATM.
CoinDesk: Journalist Eilidh Wagstaff talks with Elliptic's Adam Joyce.
CoinDesk: CoinDesk managing editor Emily Spaven and Circle's Josh Hawkins.
CoinDesk: General Bytes owner Karel Kyovsky demonstrates his ATM hardware.
CoinDesk: The General Bytes bitcoin ATM.
CoinDesk: Guests gather around the bitcoin ATM.
CoinDesk: Guests enjoy food and drink.