CoinDesk: Street view of La Maison Du Bitcoin, a 220-square-metre bitcoin co-working space and advocacy centre in Paris.
CoinDesk: Exterior view of La Maison Du Bitcoin, located at 35 Rue du Caire in Paris.
CoinDesk: View of La Maison du Bitcoin's mining gear and downstairs working space.
CoinDesk: Eric Larchevêque, co-founder of La Maison du Bitcoin, sits in a top floor office. The centre hopes to eventually sell bitcoin products in this space.
CoinDesk: The centre's front entry area, which serves as a lounge and meetup spot.
CoinDesk: Co-founder Thomas France walks through La Maison du Bitcoin lounge space.
CoinDesk: Downstairs section of the centre features a meeting room and additional, rentable co-working space.
CoinDesk: Vincent Renaudineau, a local developer and staff member.
CoinDesk: Downstairs view of La Maison du Bitcoin sign.
CoinDesk: A bitcoin logo adorns a centre security gate.