CoinDesk: An informal pre-meeting held in the Telecom Wcap accelerator, just before the formal session in Montecitorio palace.
CoinDesk: Panorama of technical session on the bitcoin protocol.
CoinDesk: Conference attendants listen to a talk entitled "Bitcoin and Macroeconomics". (Center) Franco Cimatti president of Bitcoin Foundation Italia. (Front row) Attendants from the Bank of Italy.
CoinDesk: Dr. Roberto Tudini of CoinCapital explains bitcoin's fiscal/legal implications around the world
CoinDesk: Massimo Bernaschi of the National Research Council of Italy illustrates the security risks of using bitcoin
CoinDesk: Round table discussion. From the left: parliament member Stefano Quintarell, Massimo Chiriatti (chairman from Sole24ore journal), Andrea Boda (opinionist from espresso Group, Andrea Bianchi (Tas Group), Gabriele Domenichini (bitcoin advocate).
CoinDesk: Francesco Vatalaro, telecomunications professor at University of Rome, Tor Vergata, after his talk entitled "Bitcoin Between Innovation and Regulation".
CoinDesk: An end-of-day roundtable session concludes in Montecitorio.