Orland Park Birdie Girl:
"Sunset through the Trees"
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
"Elf Off the Shelf"
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
"Blooming Now"
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
'Raindrops on Tiger Lily Leaves"
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Sunspot Activity
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
"Fractured Democracy" (July 4, 2024)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
"Magnolia and Honeybee"
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
"Silly Sunday"
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Anthurium Plant Study
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Crescent Moon on May 22, 2023
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Twilight Magic on March 3, 2023 (Last in a Series.)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Solar Activity February 10, 2023
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Autumn Wrapping
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Rocky Terrain, Perfect for a Cliff Chipmunk (Tamias dorsalis)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Face to Face with a Javelina or Collared Peccary (Tayassu tajacu)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Chilly & Puffed Up (Ruby-throated Hummingbird)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
A Moment of Stillness (Ruby-throated Hummingbird, female)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Orchid Buds
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Monarch Butterfly Wings (Macro 1-5x)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Newly Emerged Monarch Butterfly, female Drying Her Wings (Danaus plexippus)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Monarch Caterpillar #2 Is Beginning the Pupation Process *(Note the greening of the skin)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Mr. Happy Face
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Glossy Ibis *Lifer
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Florida Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia floridana)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Favorite Glasses From My Kitchen Cupboard (Saturday Photo Project)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Happy Meteorlogical Spring!
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Female, Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)