Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Noctural Hunters in Our Garden
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Less Is More (Part 3 of a Series)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Spotted Orbeaver (Neoscona crucifera)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Neoscona crucifera
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Neoscona crucifera
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Neoscona crucifera
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Waiting Patiently in the Darkness
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Waiting Patiently in the Darkness
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Neoscona crucifera
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Neoscona crucifera
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
There's a Spider Lurking
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Hiding in Plain Sight (Sac Spider)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew, Marbled Cobweb Weaver (Enoplognatha marmorata)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew, Marbled Cobweb Weaver (Enoplognatha marmorata)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
One of the Night Crew *Rare sighting. (Araneus bicentenarius, male)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Please Come In! (Wolf Spider)
Orland Park Birdie Girl:
Things That Come Out at Night (Yellow Sac Spider, Cheiracanthium sp.)