fnoeh1: Approach
fnoeh1: _DSC0568
fnoeh1: _DSC0572
fnoeh1: Grass
fnoeh1: _DSC0589
fnoeh1: Leap
fnoeh1: Headfirst meal
fnoeh1: Origanum Vulgare
fnoeh1: Frayed Wings I
fnoeh1: Frayed Wings II
fnoeh1: Sitting on the Dock of …
fnoeh1: Black Kite
fnoeh1: Midair clash
fnoeh1: You majestic animal
fnoeh1: Red crowned crane
fnoeh1: Red crowned crane after takeoff
fnoeh1: Splashing
fnoeh1: Lookalikes
fnoeh1: Red Crowned Crane in flight
fnoeh1: Bee
fnoeh1: White-tailed eagle
fnoeh1: Wingmen
fnoeh1: White-tailed eagle 2