Paula Ramírez: The tobacco barn and the tent where the reception was.
Paula Ramírez: Pete wanted to know what it feels like for a bride.
Paula Ramírez: The bride's family.
Paula Ramírez: And the heels finally came off.
Paula Ramírez: The bride and the groom.
Paula Ramírez: Bridgette being her crazy self! :-)
Paula Ramírez: The cutest couple I've ever seen!
Paula Ramírez: The groom's family.
Paula Ramírez: Jess, Clint and his parents.
Paula Ramírez: Tom, Pete, Jim and Jim's parents.
Paula Ramírez: Cute family.
Paula Ramírez: Madeline playing with Bridgette's bouquet.
Paula Ramírez: The bride and the father of the bride.
Paula Ramírez: Ginger & Pete.
Paula Ramírez: The proud father.
Paula Ramírez: The bride and the mother of the bride.
Paula Ramírez: Finishing touches.
Paula Ramírez: With the flower girls.
Paula Ramírez: Looking down from the bathroom window.
Paula Ramírez: Last 5 minutes of being Miss Wortham.
Paula Ramírez: 5 Minutes to go!
Paula Ramírez: Cumpliendo con sus deberes de dama de honor.
Paula Ramírez: Acicalándose frente al espejo.
Paula Ramírez: The road that leads to Stone Castle Farm.
Paula Ramírez: Kitchen.
Paula Ramírez: Easy bake oven from the 30's.
Paula Ramírez: Caleidoscopio.
Paula Ramírez: Lucy resting after playing frisbee.
Paula Ramírez: Margaret feeding her chickens.
Paula Ramírez: Arbol de manzanas.