Paula Ramírez: Iggy Pop.
Paula Ramírez: Kris the entertainer.
Paula Ramírez: Through the window.
Paula Ramírez: Book case.
Paula Ramírez: Improvising.
Paula Ramírez: Just chilling.
Paula Ramírez: Making sure the mint is fresh.
Paula Ramírez: That's how Kris wanted it.
Paula Ramírez: Jess & Big Fatty a.k.a. Kismet.
Paula Ramírez: Mr. & Miss Wortham.
Paula Ramírez: Jessi & Bridget.
Paula Ramírez: Enjoying the great food.
Paula Ramírez: Hand shake.
Paula Ramírez: Flank steak, asparagus, poached egg, bacon. Mmmmm!!!!
Paula Ramírez: "I'm too sexy for my rug"
Paula Ramírez: Dancing!
Paula Ramírez: ♪ Ooooohhhhh♪
Paula Ramírez: Cooking.
Paula Ramírez: Ingredients.
Paula Ramírez: Big fatty.
Paula Ramírez: "Kris, put Clint's guitar down!"
Paula Ramírez: The cooks.
Paula Ramírez: Maker's mark.