aefmods: 05302019 3:42 pm Bogey arrives at NEFL Nest by Jan
aefmods: 05302019 3:42 pm Bogey arrives at NEFL Nest by Jan
aefmods: 05302019 3:42 pm Bogey arrives at NEFL Nest by Jan
aefmods: 05302019 Baby deer below NEFL Nest...Photo by Gretchen
aefmods: 05302019 Bogey at by Gretchen
aefmods: Heron Parent and 2 babies in nest near NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: Heron Parent and 2 babies in nest near NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: Heron Parent and 2 babies in nest near NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: Heron Parent and 2 babies in nest near NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: Heron Parent and 2 babies in nest near NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: snapshot_2019_06_08_17_20_41 Egret spends some time preening near the bridge in the Hamlet by Jan
aefmods: snapshot_2019_06_09_03_35_43 Tree frog hops branches in NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: 06162019 Bo shows us his wing span by Jan
aefmods: 06262019 Young hawk visits the NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: 06262019 Young hawk visits the NEFL Nest Tree by Jan
aefmods: snapshot_2019_06_26_18_49_57
aefmods: 06262019 Little Blue Heron at the bridge in the Hamlet by Jan
aefmods: 07142019 Egret fishing in the Hamlet by Jan
aefmods: 08052019 Red Shouldered hawk perched at the water in the Hamlet by Jan
aefmods: Visitors to the Hamlet Summer 2019 by Jan
aefmods: Visitors to the Hamlet Summer 2019 by Jan
aefmods: Visitors to the Hamlet Summer 2019 by Jan
aefmods: Visitors to the Hamlet Summer 2019 by Jan