yes.: birthday girl cannot pause from stuffing her face to wave like all her friends.
yes.: bacon can be cooked on a coffee can? i'm skeptical.
yes.: loving on pepper
yes.: 85 school picture
yes.: the first of COUNTLESS times dancing on some rickety wooden stage in tiny towns all over the state
yes.: such a poser
yes.: casio keyboard AND a new bike. nice christmas.
yes.: kerrie shows us how it's done
yes.: can i do this?
yes.: oh yes, i can.
yes.: after the ride
yes.: silly dad
yes.: don't twist my arm, i'm smiling! i'm smiling!
yes.: must not show any leg skin!
yes.: blurry blob on the left=dad's guest appearance in my jazz dance recital
yes.: dancing in the elementary school musical
yes.: kerrie the cowgirl
yes.: surrounded by books=heaven
yes.: first time in a 2 piece, anyone?
yes.: her hamminess strikes again
yes.: sink or swim! or... be forcefully drowned!