LWallace2: Western Grebe 2-1-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Clark's Grebe 2-1-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Clark's Grebes 2-1-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Clark's Grebes 2-1-17 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Pied-billed Grebe 2-1-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Pyrrhuloxia 2-1-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Pyrrhuloxia 2-1-17 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Chipping Sparrow 2-1-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Canyon Towhee 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Western Bluebird and Chipping Sparrow 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: White-breasted Nuthatch 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Acorn Woodpecker2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Bewick's Wren 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Lesser Goldfinch 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: House Sparrow 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Rock Wren 2-2-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Rock Wren 2-2-17 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Red-tailed Hawk 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: White-tailed Kite 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Eared Grebe 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Hooded Merganser 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: One Odd Duck 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Phainopepla 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Greater White-fronted Goose 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Black Phoebe 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Gambel's Quail 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Chipmunk 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: House Finch 2-3-17 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Curve-billed Thrasher 2-3-17 (1 of 1)-2