LWallace2: Day 1 Canopy Tower (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 1 Greater Ani 2_13_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 1 Olivaceous Woodcreeper 2_13_16 (6 of 11)
LWallace2: Day 1 Social Flycatcher 2_13_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 1 White-necked Puffbird 2_13_16 (10 of 10)
LWallace2: Day 2 Aguti 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Bicolored Antbird 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Blue Dacnis (female)2_14_16 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Day 2 Blue Dacnis (male) 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Cinnamon Woodpecker 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Cinnamon Woodpecker 2_14_16 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Day 2 Collared Forest-Falcon 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Common Tody-flycatcher 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Crimson-backed Tanager (female) 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Crimson-backed Tanager (male) 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Dot-winged Antwren 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Fasciated Antshrike (female) 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Fasciated Antshrike (male) 2_14_16 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Day 2 Gartered Trogon 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Gray-headed Tanager 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Keel-billed Toucan 2_14_16 (6 of 6)
LWallace2: Day 2 Long-billed Hermit 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Long-billed Hermit 2_14_16 (1 of 1)-2
LWallace2: Day 2 Magnificent Frigatebird 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Northern Barred-Woodcreeper 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Pale-vented PIgeon 2_14_16 (4 of 4)
LWallace2: Day 2 Palm Tanager 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Plain Wren 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Purple-throated Fruitcrow 2_14_16 (1 of 1)
LWallace2: Day 2 Red-crowned Woodpecker 2_14_16 (1 of 1)